While looking at ourselves to find reality as human beings, we are unable to understand enough to satisfy our minds. A body composed of millions of cells bearing their own separate identity, resonating at their own pace and creating different organs by the collaboration to perform unique functions. It's neither a mechanical form that acts in a scripted physical motion nor a matter which can change its shape or existence entirely, it's in-between.

Every action we perform is governed by specific neural transmitters which work tirelessly as a transport agent in return for nothing, but a replacement by new ones in a short span regularly. Our actions are controlled by our brain which is an ordinary human organ, but our mind is a real game-changer.

In a physical sense, our mind is non-existent (kind of invisible) but has a source of control to direct different organs to function in a certain way. We control our mind by influencing its capability, through inducting different ideas, mindsets, beliefs, etc. 

We are responsible for the acts we perform due to conscious decisions by our mind, which are influenced by our knowledge, behavior, experience, and ability to grasp things. We are different from other creatures due to our ability to think out of the box, resultantly creating new inventions to revolutionize the world by making it a better place to live. 

Our(human) mind is designed flawlessly that it fails to recognize limits, which motivates us to dream about achieving impossible things.

To achieve anything in life, we need sincere dedication and a dream to pursue it tirelessly. In situations where we have no clue to start with, we learn from surrounding and apply our conception to behave in a certain way. 

As human is a social animal, so it is a common saying that a person depicts its surrounding; ones who are accompanied with intellectuals may lead with innovation and group of idiots make fool out of it. We, the creation with limited time and resources, put into a race to become smart, powerful, kind, religious, etc. by gaining these attributes at once (depending upon the place we are born). 

We are inducted from childhood to deal with the situation cleverly but never groomed to be a solution provider, stuffed with different feelings and emotions leading to confusion in our minds.

During the initial stage of life, we are the center of gravity in our surroundings; loved, cared for, heard, etc. but as we grow up, we choose to find someone similar to share ourselves with. While doing so we lose our identity and start fading until the realization kicked in that the one, we are eagerly waiting to connect with, is none other than ourselves. 

We forgot to look inside us, to find the lost connection, loyal friend, and kind heart. We (humans) are distinct creatures but at the same time share similarities amazingly, as we are a constant source of courage and dedication for others which helps to tackle any situation. Our belief lets us defeat every status-quo, as we know ‘every problem comes with an opportunity to grow, shine, reflect and prove our creativity.  

We absorb everything we counter with; from light to heat, ideas to theories, narratives to visions, love to hate, etc., and innovatively release them. Through different ideas, unique formulas, and unheard hypotheses depending upon proper evidence (based on research and experiments of our limited approach and knowledge). 

We are not the same every time as we grow by time, we come up with improved ideas and reshaped beliefs by abandoning old theories we use to embrace. While concluding I must say that we are the ones to change, inspire, create, and lead with time. We are not the end, but the beginning of how to grow at a slow and invincible pace.

Author: Talha Ahmed


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