We as humans are considered to grow in a clan, a social structure where we interact, hustle, speak, learn, and challenge stereotypes. As an organized social animals, we are keen to challenge our boundaries but pressurized by the peer group for acceptance and approval. 

We are designed to break the barriers while growing, as it is the key feature we adopted while the evolution of humanity. Our mind depicts the visuals of outer space like abundance room for stars to float. 

We are equipped to organize that place by nurturing our mind with something unique; to create a sense of awareness, think out of the box, and being creative.

Psychologically, we are open to adopting new things as our social structure is designed in such a way. Our behavior is always in a mode of improving, if we lack to upgrade ourselves with time the option of a growth mindset is just a dream for us. 

The human body is flexible enough to be molded in any specific way (either physically or psychologically), the thing that matters a lot is ‘willpower’, which is the real game-changer. A determined individual is worthy enough to achieve (seemingly)impossible things with sincere efforts, hard work, and dedication.

Growth hormones serve great importance to ensure our growth but the neurons that transfer information to the brain are a lifeline for a growth mindset. Every emotion a person feels throughout the day is the reaction of the human body to what he absorbs inside like ideas, events, food, etc. 

As food is the basic need for energy production in the human body (to survive and function properly), so a diet with different nutrients impacts heavily on our brain functions. Ideas generated in our mind depend on the way we observe things (as human perspective matters) due to its importance in defining the information structure of our brain. 

The system will collapse at any instance where the foundation is wrongly judged. To succeed, the building blocks of human behavior should be taught wisely.

In a generation of the immensely digitalized world, we are heavily influenced by planned approaches of selective groups, working precisely to mold our viewpoint towards the desired objective. They fix targets to achieve short to long-term goals, even direct interfering to remake our set of beliefs. 

The visuals or ideas we are buying consciously may be molded with precision to trick our minds towards the preferred output. Due to a lack of knowledge, awareness, and visionary approach we are trapped unconsciously into their tricks, resultantly applaud things without constructive analysis.

We, as homo-sapiens are fond of comfort and luxury, and it is the reason behind our growth and revolution. We are always in the process to create ease and flexibility in our lifestyle. Strange fact ‘we work hard to create ease in our lives, we trick our minds in greed to get comfort. 

This whole process of evolution is continuing for hundreds of thousands of years, and we are still looking forward to achieving something big and unique. 

We traveled such a long time to reach a point with a competitive environment among different races, eagerly waiting to outcast others. Instead of a positive approach to growing together, we found a better way to be at the top by ruining others' efforts of advancement.

Our minds are directly interlinked with some specific entities, who influence us to behave in a certain way mainly due to respect, Karishma, power, affection, etc. It plays a vital role in our lives defining our personality as we endorse everything preached (without constructive thinking), resultantly we are open to harm. 

Analyzing things by applying our knowledge, experience & skills can lead to creating a better social structure. As humans are born curious, so unfolding mysteries in life (especially himself) is like instant gratification and success. A constructive approach to outdated beliefs is the only escape for us to prosper.

Philosophers that ruled the world by their ideas initially admired crowds for their creative and unique theories regarding human behavior and growth. 

Literature and poetry are admired for their revolutionary ideas and creative mindset, to give the message that ‘being different is a humanly attribute’, it is a unique quality every individual enjoys. 

Every human has a sole identity and power to grow according to their preference without external interference. To live the way, they love to see them through it…

Author: Talha Ahmed
