Humans belong to a habitat (a social structure) whose absence can make their survival questionable. We have ears to listen the words that feel similar to our thought process, give us a sense of please-ness and pleasure. Around 8 billion human beings inhabited this world, and every individual has his specific distinct identity. Each of them has its own story to tell in a specific manner depending on their experience, knowledge, and wisdom. 

A question that arises here is how we met certain persons who were initially strangers, became so important in our lives that sometimes separation is hurtful. Who decides the person we met and why are we interlinked with each other in such a way!! Has that connection been built intentionally, or it was an incident?

We are born in a certain area, to specific parents without our prior knowledge and consent. The society we are born in is the only world we know; we start to develop feelings for surrounding people. Those who are blood relatives, neighbors, colleagues, etc. are the ones whom we met unintentionally. 

Any act of endorsement from our loved one (or mindful connection) can suddenly change the way we look towards a specific person, we initially avoid dealing with. As time never runs in a backward direction, so any action we perform will have some footprint on society.

The first thing that counts in our interaction with any stranger is our birthplace. That place defines much of our fate as we grow up in certain mindsets, having a definite approach towards different aspects of life either social, moral, religious, or physical, psychological, and emotional. Meeting the ones that relate to us in any means, our first impression about them is the way things are going to carry us in long term. 

We can’t control our birthplace, a person born in any society nurture himself according to the norms of social conformity and interact with others in that way. But the ones who are born privileged face fewer challenges and adopt refined & conclusive practices to behave in a society. As it’s said that the first school is the mothers' lap, so we behave the way our society allows our parents to apply practices. We are too dependent on our society that the behavior against custom brings controversies in our lives.

We are a creation of social connectivity; grow together in peer groups and are destined to interact with different fellows in our daily lives. The initial decision of our guardians regarding our participation in any activity is the driving force behind our interaction. We come up to social conformity with certain individuals due to mysterious connections, which pave its path to make us grow together. 

The similarity is views, interests, physical appearance, ethnicity, language, customary practices, religious influence, morality, peer pressure, and academic performance are among the substantive reasons through which we linked ourselves or make a strong bond to any stranger. Emotions are strengths as well as weakness of humans. It can mold a stubborn into a well-behaving intellectual and a healthy individual into a beast (when basic emotional necessities are not fulfilled).

An important point to consider here is that all people we met throughout, none in a list turned out to be odd. Every individual came for some purpose (either intentionally or unintentionally). We came across the ones we need, and they tend to answer the question we are desperate to know. Even an incident that destroyed you can create something unique to interact with and reveal the reality of life. 

The impression we got for an individual during the first interaction mainly defines our whole relationship. We judge others according to scenario-based interactions, meeting someone in a different position can have a lasting effect on our behavior and approach towards them. Even meeting an angel in a socially awkward condition can lead to a disastrous outcome. As a default, we believe our perspective to be the best way to judge others. We considered it to be powerful enough to take precautionary measures, but fate has a lot to do its part. It decides the way we confront others and the outcome of our interaction.

We are socially pressurized by peers to adopt the culture that surrounds us, willfully or with force. We are derived to attract each other by a common interest, which heavily influences the behavior of one person to another. This force is so powerful that may connect rivals by forgetting the rivalry and hate against each other.

A person starts liking someone unintentionally if later depicts the same mindset former want to achieve himself. It motivates us to collaborate and achieve the highest level of expertise in that interesting subject matter. Growing together is the new normal, the globalized world molded itself so craftily that collaboration of the ones with a common interest is a unique way to achieve success.

We as human beings connect with those whom we praise to be beautiful, either by physical attributes or mental soberness. Our desire to love and being loved is the strongest driving force to find someone of our dreams. Everyone among us has specific criteria to meet, to find a companion who fulfills the criteria and sparks the required way. 

We meet others to understand the nature, creation, and gift of life. The way it amuses us, helps us to understand the love, procreate us to give new life from inside. Finding someone perfect is a flawed approach, as there is no scale to measure the world inside us. Mental freedom is the ultimate remedy for miseries in life.

I must say that meeting a stranger can either be fruitful or devastating for a person. Those who achieved the highest level of understanding through the association of that interaction are the ones determined to reach success. People come and go but life never stops, the thing that disrupts life is the incompetency of a person to understand the real cause of interaction. In the modern scenario, technology changed the way we interact with people as it erased the boundaries. 

Meeting an unknown person unintentionally can be a game-changer to individuals’ life. Meeting people with different backgrounds can increase intellectual learning by driving conclusions through different perspectives. It will help us realize the true essence of life and help us make wise decisions for our lives…

Author: Talha Ahmed
