We are the beings of social validation, and the best motivation comes from the appreciation for our efforts. Humans are greedy for affirmations, as it drives progress.

The force that drives human growth is different for every individual, depending on their social status and mental capability. For the ones who face poverty, money is the greatest motivation but for the ones who have plenty, desire for control.

The power of control is the deadliest trait a human can be equipped with. The authority over knowledge and wisdom defines ultimate success.

Having a bigger picture in mind with a clear spectrum is the satisfying state a human can achieve. It gives a greater edge to the human being, Keeping in mind that the process of thinking and imagination are the baseline of inventions.


Validation is the basic requirement of the human mind. It gives a sense of motivation and acceptance. No one is perfect in his life but every individual is trying their best to achieve a certain state.

The process of making sincere efforts requires validation, a sense of acceptance, and appreciation of efforts. Every human is making small efforts toward the desired pathway but the ones with persistence are leading the way forward.

Our mind is not designed to stay motivated all the time; it experiences different emotions throughout the day. The meaningful thing is to utilize every emotion ideally, to achieve what is desired.

Being emotional, helps us find the path of differentiation, By empowering us to feel things through different moods. Resultantly improves our personalities.


From the start of human history, power is an irresistible thing that anyone can deny. It creates a sense of control. Make us superior and authoritative. Dealing with it is not an easy task as power comes with great responsibility.

It ensures the fulfillment of desires created by our minds. Power doesn't corrupt people but help them reveal their real personality. It equips us with influence. It is a mixture of fear and respect.

Societies built with power never decline unless the inner betrayal. It is a desire more than a given responsibility. It motivates us to manipulate the vulnerable. Power pushes us to grow, to occupy, and to conquer the weak.


Money is considered as a means to run the system of life smoothly. It is the basic need, a way to fulfill the necessities of the human body and mind.

Possession of money depicts the ability of a person; it shows creativity and a sensible approach. Money opens the door for good and evil as well. It motivates us to feel the world uniquely.

Money creates wealth, which pushes us to create change in society by improving the existing norms. It was introduced as a medium to exchange goods and services but with the advancement of social structures, it became the symbol of authority, competence, and power.

A rich person attracts millions to copy them. Making money is a science, it’s a way to create value in return for something. It motivates us to improve our condition by upgrading our social status.


Many civilizations collapse when they fail to bring mental and physical peace to their people. Peace is the pleasure of the mind. It is a way of expressing relief and comfort.

Peace is like a pleasure, an antidote to pain. There is a slight difference between pleasure and pain. They are the different sides of the same coin. Pain motivates us to achieve pleasure (as pain is the harsh form of pleasure & pleasure is the inner sensation that pleases us defying pain).

Humans accelerate in a creative way to move towards betterment in their lives. The more we explore the world, the impactful information about the world came to light.


The definition of pleasure and pain is subjective to specific circumstances which motivate us to explore deeply. An event that pleases a man on one occasion may harm him in a different set of happenings.

Pain is the feeling of inner vagueness, either physically or mentally. One can’t define pleasure without experiencing pain. It is a state which we recognize when we are exposed to an opposite emotion.

These are the attributes required to live a smooth life. The thing that makes our lives perfect is the natural imperfection of ups and downs. Which makes the special combination for humans to revolve around different emotional spheres.

It is the nature of human beings that they are fed up easily when exposed to the same environment for a longer period. Which triggers our inner selves to upgrade the level of satisfaction by opting for higher rewards.

We even get bored if stayed consistently pleasant or happy. This boredom pushes us to choose daring tasks by taking risks. To explore the unknown world.

That is the visible instincts of humans that made them superior form other living creatures of God.


Fear is the oddest motivation as it triggers the survival instinct of humans. It motivates us to attain power and strength to deal with anything. Fear to lose, help us make efforts to keep intact; fear of being left out encourages us to hustle.

We prefer to live in our comfort zone without any disturbance. Fear helps us realize the true essence of life. It reminds us about the reality of life and aids in establishing a link to our inner self by showing us an accurate picture.

Fear is a subjective emotion; depending on a connection built through past experiences and observation. It warns us about danger through an alert about potential suffering.

The human body responds instantly to fear, as life is a one-time opportunity to realize and prove the reality of our core.


There is a famous quotation ‘Knowledge is power. I always wonder how a piece of information can empower anyone! Is it worth considering this illogical quotation?

We consume a lot of information about different aspects of human life. It helps us pave the path while living in a civilized manner.

Knowledge does not have boundaries; it reflects our existence itself. It is a weapon, helping us to win, to conquer any situation. We feel motivated when equipped with relevant knowledge.

It empowers us to face any challenge, and even dignifies our failure by paving a way for learning opportunities. Pushes us to rise again, with grace.

A knowledgeable person has a different reality of life. There is an entirely new world established inside the mind, with creative and inspiring thought processes. It serves as a powerful contributor to our inventions, discoveries, and creations.

Knowledge is not just information, it's an atmosphere filled with curiosity and critical thinking. There is no negative journey here, either we win, or we modify our prior mindset by connecting to the unknown.


Motivation is the game changer to our species. It defines the way of existence of human beings. Humans crave acceptance and approval to trigger inner satisfaction.

Every innovation made by humans was motivated by some internal desires. Either to prove himself or to show power, control, change, etc. The motivated man is like a non-stop heartbeat, it may increase or decrease but is always triggered to take a step ahead.

Once the task is finished, the fresh start is waiting there to leap ahead. The process of constant struggle is a result of the motivation that we feel in our inner selves. Following that lead irresistibly (or with any resistance) portray the willingness of the specific entity…

Author: Talha Ahmed


  1. So Motivative. And It feels so good by reading your narrative. Keep publishing 💜

  2. Beautifully penned down ✨🔥

  3. Beautifully penned down ✨🔥


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