Life is a gift for every human being. It is a possession of the body by a soul. A soul that came to the bodily cavity for higher rewards. Defining the soul is not an easy task. Especially, describing its existence in the form of a mortal or immortal entity.

It is a popular belief that every being that came to this universe is subjected to death. As death is the process that deals with the aging of the physical characteristics of a body. It may be defined as the failure of any vital function or brutal outer force that shock the whole system.

The particles (atoms) that create the physical structures (organs) define the properties of any product. Atoms present in different organs are replaced by new ones after a certain time (on perishing).

But a time comes when there is no energy remaining in the human body to sustain further life, that’s considered as ‘the end’.

The advancement in medical science and technology is looking for the cure of death but is unable to reach the required level yet. Usage of advanced medicine extended the life a bit and experiments of growing human organs in different animals (especially pigs) are on their way.

If these experiments turned out successful they may revolutionize human life, but the question that arises here is about its ethical and moral impact.


Humans are creatures that innovate themselves by collective learning. The life of a human is a critical matter for every individual. It holds collective interest for everyone, which pushes them to share their ideas, theories & philosophies to enhance the mechanism to extend life.

Every society (or geographical mindset) created a different mechanism to attract others to get their contribution. Some created propaganda about the near extinction of the human race to speed up the process of discovering a cure, others twisted the human emotions by fear of attack or being left behind.

The creative human mind is working to explore many aspects to extend our consciousness. It is trying to transfer the consciousness into modern AI software or robot that possess enough capacity to hold humans’ life.

Scientists are experimenting to shift the human consciousness by uploading it into the server. This practice can revolutionize society by preserving (along with constant growth) brilliant minds.

Alternatively, it can also create chaos when the consciousness of a person (alive or dead) is shifted in AI where it is subjected to vast information (without the barriers of human capacity) it will potentially try to control everything.

As humans try to achieve control in society by applying its authority, imagine AI having access to infinite data with this characteristic in the modernly digitalized world.


Many humans believe in life after death, which pushes them to be civilized in this world. Some may deny this concept but ultimately have an idea of rebirth, based on the deeds of the previous life.

Death provides value to life as it creates the sanctity of the limited time we are spending in this world. People of different philosophical backgrounds possess diverse ideas about life and death.

Some may try to achieve immortality other try to free their souls from earthly desires. The soul is the ultimate and everlasting reality of human life. It enhances the life of humans and leaves the body when the physical part of the body becomes unable to survive.

The experience of losing the loved one reminds us about the value of life as we forgot the real purpose of our creation. Life allows us to create some purposeful change in the social structure to help the creation of our universe.


The life given to us is granted for a limited period and we are not given information for our endpoint in time. This quality makes us curious about our purpose.

Some who wanted to become immortal are usually challenged by the ones who wanted to live a peaceful life, free from the weight of earthly desires.

Death is the relief for the ones who have seen everything desired. An old man lying on the bed after spending 90 years of his life may be desperate for the new journey.

The journey of the afterlife or unknown. The concept of an afterlife is diverse, as it depends on our belief but the followed process will be the same for everyone.

The concept of the butterfly dream by the Chinese philosopher Zhuangzi (Chuang-tzu) opens the concept of limitless possibilities about the reality of life. Where he says                 

    "Once upon a time, I, Zhuangzi, dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was Zhuangzi. Soon I awakened, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man”


While finding the reality of life, we are confused that either life is a test or a play of free will. Our life in this world is subjected to time, as we are the creatures living in 3-dimensional space.

Once time passes it cannot be subjected to rewind. The reality of the soul is different from the reality of the body as the former is not affected by time. The soul is added into our body and asked to follow the rules for higher rewards.

Life is like a battle, a situation where everyone has limited resources and specific guidelines to be followed. Everybody is provided equal opportunities to do their best.

To live their life by following the commandments of God or roam freely to find the ultimate truth by themselves. We are given a set of possibilities in every situation, and every action we take affects the outcome of our life.


Life in this world is like a journey of our soul. There is limited time, space, and resources for us. We travel from one stage to another by either fulfilling the commandments of our creator or doing what we consider right.

It is a continuous journey of struggles, emotions, suffering, curiosity, and understanding things according to the right perspective.

Every individual is equipped with a different level of intelligence. It is necessary to debate contradicting and mind-boggling concepts of life to clarify the misconceptions. These discissions will also help us diversify the discussion about the concept of life.

It is humans’ natural instinct to be attracted by like-minded people but it’s the unidentified hurdle in the growth of human intelligence. As the company of like-minded people has similar theories but a challenging mindset is required to bring change in society.

Contradicting ideas creates the need to apply a creative approach and pushes us to dig deeply into the matter, resultantly a development in the concept of life. It is like connecting the dots.


The life that we live is synchronized in such a way that our every action is linked to a chain of events. This chain has endless possibilities but all of them end at a single point.

Every decision we make throughout our life impacts our existence, but it led us forward in time, towards the required outcome. If we are meant to meet someone unknown, natural instincts help us connect through unique attraction.

We are learning new things daily in our life. Throughout our birth, we are subjected to a different set of circumstances to be trained. Possessing the qualities to play our part in this universe.

No one is born useless here. Even an invisible germ can prove its worth by killing a giant human being. The mystery of life is like a tangled thread, it may give you a clue to untangling it but when you reach there you come across another one having more complications.


Life is a continuous journey that started from an invisible cell. Take effect in a specific environment in the human body and ends when these cells cease to possess energy.

This process is taking place for millions of years with the same procedure. Life on the earth took a long journey till here.

It is expanding with the expansion of the universe but a time will come when this universe explodes or revert into a single particle (towards its ultimate reality from where it started).

The journey in between these two extremes contains the rise and fall of many civilizations. Those, who tried to find the way to decode the working of life…

Author: Talha Ahmed

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