The journey of our life starts by spreading happiness, love, and affection between two individuals by strengthening the bond between them. Things that human life experience during infancy is love, as it is pampered by the surrounding people. 

We are designed to depict things in a way we perceive them to have happened in our presence. To observe the way our society prospers is letting kids of different physical attributes play together. The experience of viewing their behavior and interaction will have a lasting effect. It helps us understand how our life effect by love-hate relationships and it will determine the way of learning (to behave humanly).

We are social animals, not habitual to exist isolated for longer times. Interaction with other human beings makes us grow and the aspect of dealing with them is a delightful experience. Nature created humans in pairs (as all species) but we are superior due to fact that we connect, create, visualize, grow and most importantly love uniquely. 

Unlike animals, every individual has a different aspect of life and mindset to move forward with. We are equipped enough to achieve whatever is desired; strategic pursuance and dedication are required to fulfill our cravings. Loving the work, along with its progression is the simplest way to achieve a specific goal.
We are creatively designed to love our country, religion, clan, tribe, language, culture, partner, etc. as we are born to admire things that we belong to. Loving the things in their way is key to flourish in our lives, with a desire for improvement. Otherwise, we will get bored in a short period (in case we remove that special feeling from any aspect).

Love let alone decide the way we pursue things, removal of that feeling will apart us from achieving the desired outcome. Being hated make us realize the true essence of love, as human instincts realize things after their departure. 

The connections and bonding we make fade with time if there is an absence of expectations in return. Our soul is keen to attract towards love and affection as it gives peace of mind.

Love is not an asset but a distinctive human identity used to make the pure connection. We admire love and create an association of things related to our beloveds. Even a valueless thing matters a lot upon affiliation to a specific individual. 

We love to ensure our approval, cast our shadow, being valued and considerably recognized. Mostly we assume attachment as love but after digging deeply it's evident that love is beyond one’s self, it's pure from physical pleasure rather charismatic mindfulness.

A question arises again ‘Why do we love?’ Is it a wastage of time? Humanly defect, Or a mental disease!!… Love is the cure, it defines who we really are, it is an antidote to many diseases; internal or external, emotional, or spiritual, physical or psychological. 
Click the link for a mindful blog about who we really are?

Even a painful day comes with a pleasant ending in the presence of love. It isn’t just an emotion but an answer to considerable queries. We love to shine in our surroundings to be admired, appreciated, and live with peace. 

Excitement is another name of love as it helps regulate warmness inside our body and helps us inspire. We feel love by blazing touch, shining glimpse, cherished aroma, amusing whisper, and lastly by moving towards lasting eternal connection.

Author: Talha Ahmed


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