Looking at our surroundings we visualize a sea of information roaming around, for everyone to grasp an opportunity to possess that. Knowledge empowers a person to understand things in a bigger picture by applying different approaches (for a broader perspective). 

We are born to hustle in this world, finding new paths to learn unique things and adapt them according to our free will. We absorb energy in the form of sound and light waves to let us understand the behavior of the world, the way it functions, and concisely interlinked.

In the world of infinite knowledge and facts, we are at the deep bottom, rarely know even about the systematic process of our brain. The human brain is symbolized as a storage device created to store data of an infinite amount for extended periods. It stores information either taken consciously or unconsciously in different channels, depending upon the need and willingness of the person owning it. 

We know little about the way things function inside us and the structure of life that we are inspired by. Every individual has unique knowledge than others due to their discretionary sense of power, capability, and abilities; built throughout life. Knowledge about things makes us aware to lead ourselves groom our ideas, perspectives, decisions, behavior, patience, etc. depending upon the way we approach to attain information.

Knowing things broadly is a different debate, a basic factor that matters is what we know about the society around us. The way society grows through combined efforts and participation of every individual. Keeping in mind the motive of every individual, as it is the mysterious fact, which is difficult to dig out, but through the critical approach. 

Human interaction is a basic component of social structure but understanding things in depth is rare, as the gestures made by a person show his approach to take things in a certain direction. We own a creative mind which is skilled enough to generate multiple ideas regarding different scenarios, but we are unaware to utilize them in a proper executable manner.

Modern scientific innovations are revolutionizing the world at a rapid pace, most of which are unknown to us. We want to take benefit out of it but are unable to know the structural framework, to analyze its pros and cons. 

On one side our brain is figuring out the reality of the newly structured social world and on another side, we are ignorant enough to amuse ourselves with new technology clueless about potential harm/consequences. The Tech sector evolved rapidly to an extent that we even gain the potential to modify the DNA of humans (by CRISPR tech) resultantly created the whole idea of human genetic mutation. 

This quick shift left the older generation vulnerable, as they are unable to cope with these inventions. Scientists are inventing new spheres of metals and discovering their unimaginable usage, but we intentionally remain unaware of them. We know the final products but not the process, to be able to create a competitive environment.

The creation of the universe, human capabilities, gravitational structure, human bodily material, conversion of energy, etc. are key factors of our lives but we never thought critically about it. We did not question their existence, never thought to dig for answers but left these on scientists to explore on our behalf. 

The curiosity of getting knowledge beyond our expectations is never more a desire. We must figure out that different minds make unique connections to things, everyone interprets things differently according to their interest, opinions, and perspective. We need to know things by applying our creative mindset while exploration because biasness in perspective can be a game-changer.

Science is the triggering force behind every aspect of our lives including religious beliefs. There is opportunity behind doubt, ease behind difficulty, love behind hate, etc. to satisfy our mindfulness. The moment we got the knowledge of the whole system, everything will seem to be streamlined. 

We would be able to impact the system by repairing it through its roots. We feel the pain for society, but the realization of emotional wellbeing came from our close attachment to the sufferer. Killing animals for food is not an issue for us, but for ones that belong to us gives us a feeling of intentional harm. 

Our mindset work in a certain way and it is designed to create feeling for specific ones whom we love, care, and attach to, as we are keen to live in a human habitat with peace & harmony.
Click the link for a blog about love, care, and attachment.

It is a humanly feature that knowing everything is impossible, as every sphere of time is coming with discoveries and inventions. They are creating new ways to look at the matter and distinctive paths to follow. The greed of obtaining your best self is key to understand the logic-reasoning behind every aspect of our lives. 

As we are a creature of ease and comfort, we act differently to specific things, depending on the willingness of our state of mind. Life never stops teaching new principles to live and always creates alternate learning opportunities. 

We dream every day but are reluctant to take steps in the right direction due to fear of failure.  The real struggle is to focus on learning things that matter the most, which is key to a happy, prosperous, and fulfilling life.

Author: Talha Ahmed
