The reaction of a human body is a way to express their feeling on specific occasions. Throughout the day we react to a lot of things unconsciously, but our minds knew everything and play smartly. We define our inner state of belief with different expressions, but some situations demand instant reactions which came out unexpectedly in a matter of microseconds.


Our subconscious mind plays a vital role while expressing us as it knows the inner condition and built a strong connection to the events happening in the outside world. We are designed differently, as we learn, possess, and transfer our experiences to the next generations. Our capability to control our outlook and expressions by suppressing unwanted emotions distinguish us from other living creatures.

It helps us understand our purpose and reflect the way we wanted to represent ourselves. Humans possess the body that is built to comply with the rules of physics, but that’s not the case with mental capabilities as it wishes to explore everything (even, beyond imagination). A strong grip on our mind can lead us to defy any barrier and simply explore things.


The mental condition of a person paly significant importance to define his processing system, as we have distinct emotional phases. Which can trigger or defuse any opportunity depending on our mood. It is wisely said that ‘anger is the dream killer’ as it exposes the inner thought of the person. Come out with rational behavior a person is hiding behind his cover.


It’s our nature to react in a specific manner on certain occasions. It’s not always uncertain, because the human mind has some sort of control over it. Our mind is a game-changer if it is applied correctly by pinning its true potential. We can react in a controlled manner depending on our expertise and understanding of relevant subject matter.

A mental condition that controls our behavior ultimately decides our reaction even if it’s against our will. It defines who we really are! Increased interaction with our civic sense makes us wiser enough to regulate our reacting power. We are manipulated by our mind, as its neurological chaos inside us.


Information we got at every instant is received, interpret, and stored according to our mental capacity. An increase in its usage makes us wiser enough to convert anything into desired wisdom, with our unique philosophies, unanswered queries, and unheard theories. An intellectual mind is always in a constant reacting state to attain something genuinely unique & authentic to visualize the different aspects of life in a better way.


People of different natures may have a similar or dissimilar set of ideas and behavior. We react in a specific manner, by recognizing others through our lens. Every individual possesses special qualities but exploring that is not an easy task. To explore inner consciousness, we must be surrounded by the right people.

The connection built through those interactions links the broken pieces of the system. In an advanced world, humans minimized physical interaction. Which hurts emotional well-being, in turn, our emotions are more biased than ever.

Speedy connections reduced the level of trust and deep understanding. Our single reaction has the ability to transform the world, as small consistent efforts bring eternal success.


We are never the same, throughout our lives. Our reaction changes with the change of belief. A person can never be the same as he was an hour ago. Humans are super creatures, destined to grow persistently. Empowering themselves to face any challenging condition. 
Check the link to the blog about How we grow?

We sometimes regret certain decisions due to having limited knowledge and understanding. But smart enough to realize the real mess, thanks to our evolving mindset! It’s our defaulted nature to do mistakes, sometimes repeat, but eventually learn from them to prosper.

It is noticed that our decision-making process is directly linked to our reactions. Our instinct reactions, define our viewpoint but there is an exception. Refined minds can attain the ability to control and mold it in the desired way, with complete authority.


While concluding I must say that at every instant we are reacting to different circumstances of life. These reactions play defining role to bring out our reality, as actions speak louder than words. The tongue can lie but not the eyes. It’s preferred to surround ourselves with the right conditions to groom our processing system. Like conditions uplift the sub-consciousness, as it’s the dominant force to define our behavior. As you spend most of your life inside your head, so make it a nice place to be… 

