Everything in this world is moving freely in its specific direction, either controlled by its creature or programmer. Things (tangible or intangible) belong to a specific class of matter, which is yet to be discovered or we are already manipulating its properties. Conduction of the scientific research to discover new forms of matter and energy are evolving the behavior of humans.


We control the things we created either by setting different modes to run or by playing with the knowledge of its behavioral conduct, which led us to predict its capacity and capabilities. Controlling things through physical engineering, behavioral science, beliefs, propaganda; is the way we ascertain and spread our point to our surrounding people.

We control human life, the way we procreate largely depends upon our willingness, behavior, and right conditions. Human life is unpredictable but can be controlled by medicines, therapies, targeted approaches, and the willingness of became immortal, as we are the creature of innovation. The more we grow our intellect the better we control ourselves.
Checkout the blog about How we grow?


We are controlled by our thought process, knowing the behavior of our minds we can achieve our desires by gaining flexibility in our fate. Death is certainly inevitable, but the reality is different, it can’t be cured but delayed by a selected approach, hibernation, and control. Controlling things to achieve our aim depends upon the way we perceive them and approach them to attain the desired outcome.


Making appropriate decisions in our life represents our control over conditions. We decided our destiny and fate every second of our life by our rational decisions. We control the way to behave, react, publicize, etc. every aspect of our life. The future we are heading will reflect the path we chose, expecting the best possible outcome. We are bound to make willful decisions of our life; no one will accept an excuse of error but the man himself will pay for it.
Check a blog about why we react?

Our decision-making power allows us to choose things willfully and carefully utilizing our consciousness. We lack to understand the future aspects of the activities we chose to perform but competent enough to decide (good or bad) according to their limited knowledge and experience. We are free to choose our path without any forceful imposition, whether we decided to grow, eat, be someone we admire, love, etc.


Our society is designed by the powerful to control, assert their influence to bend our mindset according to their ideas and planned approach. We are designated to live connected, as isolation kills humans psychologically. We co-ordinate with people voluntarily due to our human nature. We communicate, engage, debate, understand, and trust others whom we admire. We are controlled from our birth as our ideas, belief, behavior, technique, and perception is highly influenced by the environment we surround. We either adapt or inherit the nature we reflect.


It’s a common practice in humans who tend to control others through different tactics include fear, pressure, propaganda, racial cards, and religious constraints. These things are deliberately introduced in society to create different fractions, to hold a strong grip on them comfortably.

Without a specific goal, we are like a herd of animals running after each other in a similar pattern. Our mind is creative, it can critically analyze things by controlling every situation by molding it towards the desired path.


Developing a civilized social structure was a lengthy process of evolution. The creation of the world fit for humans is an ongoing process, as there is always room for improvement. We established innovative ways for commerce, politics, and propaganda to live in harmony. Humans evolved in groups and interlink with each other through different worldly connections.

Religion is one of the powerful forces that define the fate of human behavior. It covers every aspect of life by prescribing the way to control things by defined parameters. It’s widely observed that the clerics took indirect control of the religion and used it in a manipulative way, to enjoy power by molding the teaching into desired sense. Every person has to understand things by their own knowledge and wisdom, but we are already stuffed with repeated thoughts for one-dimensional reality.


Laws are the social norms transformed into their refined form (modern structure) to provide justice, and religion has a lot to do with it. It gives the power to the state to control the behavior, conduct, and social interaction according to defined rules. This is in the favor of society at large but some considered it as the end of free will.


The way we control our body to process in a certain way largely depends on our willpower to control. We control our social behavior to an extent but the majority of the time we accept what we absorb, either through submitting ourselves or forcefully. Human mindsets define its behavior which in turn choose its path of the free society. The system of controlled social structure is not new, its everlasting character helped us to find the solutions to advance ourselves. Over time the prevailing designs are replaced by the reformed ones to free the humans to live and inspire…

Author: Talha Ahmed.


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