Ch.9 WHY US ?


As human beings, we are created flawlessly with our unique designs. We follow different patterns to fulfill the necessities of life. The path we follow directly depends on our decisions and perception, as we pursue things the way we observe. Psychologically, our whole world surrounds us. The decision we make is deemed beneficial for our wellbeing.


Every individual has a separate world to explore according to his goals and limited understanding. Our identity comes out of our minds; exploration of the right conditions starts from inside. We are fond of everything we admire, and willing to pay any cost to fulfill those desires.


We are the toughest creatures with a creative mindset, capable enough to picture future innovations. Then working tirelessly to achieve that goal by crafting new inventions to revolutionize the world. We presume to exist in the reality that we interact with. The reality is not the same for all of us, it varies from person to person.
We always come up with benefits for ourselves in different situations. The way we behave toward other individuals correlates with the amount of interest we had in them. Without looking at the broader picture it seems to be difficult for us to get the maximum out of any situation.


Self-interest is the greatest motivation; it enables us to achieve the desired output by playing the role of a catalyst. It not only increases the chances of success but also helps to take a step further for lasting encouragement.
Most of the time the way we are taught different things, is part of the propaganda. It let us consume material to prevail in specific narratives to increase their sphere of interest. It may positively impact society, but the efforts made are to help them thrive and divert the success towards their basket.


The question arises here is ‘Why we are the way, how we really are?’ Our identity is the summary of our society, knowledge, beliefs, and experiences. The visible picture of us does not necessarily reflect our true identity. 
Click the link if you wanted to know more about who we are?
Humans remain reserved to strangers until a strong relationship of trust is developed, to show the real self. We don’t always float with the flow, but our consciousness plays a significant role in defining who we really are. Our world revolves around the identity we reflect unless we volunteer to adopt something new and unique.


We behave under social norms based on morality and justice, but sometimes unfair laws are adopted due to certain mindsets depending upon corrupt practices. After following these practices for a long time without challenging their wrongfulness, it resultantly doesn’t bother anymore to be unjust.


We rank different people in a social hierarchy, considering them by inspiring from their position. The ones that are considered sacred (in any aspect or field of life) are followed blindly without a constructive approach. And a decrease in the level of sacredness is leveled and subjected to the propaganda machines.
Although every one of us is equally important to rationally analyze the situation and present the perspective. The world we live in is the land of opportunities, we contain unlimited resources to build a whole new philosophy on any subject matter, subject to the right approach and critical reasoning.


The mindset that depicts our belief in pre-written destiny without our interference makes us vulnerable to the situation of misery. We are the ones that define our destiny, through our acts and beliefs. The way society sees us is not the only way to respond but nature gifted us uniqueness to follow our path to decide our fate.
Every action we take replicates itself and create a profound impact somewhere. Our minds are full of creative ideas, and we are responsible for willfully pursuing the ones we want. It is our willpower that decides to achieve a certain aim.


Our reality is not the way it is seen by the world but the one that is hidden inside us in the form of beliefs. Nothing can stop us from achieving our destiny but our mind itself. Growing with the right mindset is the best possible way toward eternal success.


The word ‘unknown’ defines us clearly, as we are only known to ourselves. The true picture can only come out willfully or by mistake. To shape society the way we believe, we should consider the bigger picture in mind. The way we believe doesn't need to be always reasonable, but there must be room to reconsider one's thoughts. 
Click the link to know more about what we know?.
A small push by us can work as a spark for the shining star and first cloud of the darkening night. The way we adopt different things and apply our critical approach is the only solution.


Does our social circle play any role in defining us?? Yes, the beliefs, ideas, behavior, and approach have replicating effects and leave a strong impression if exposed constantly. The world is codified in such a way that we are the central entity for us in our surroundings and everyone is in a struggle to prove themselves.
The only hope is to equip us with the required knowledge and expertise to simply win. Start implementing the way you think the world should be, have your impact on others and reflect that back from them to simply shine…

